Apocalypse Porn

March 16, 2018

Break Away Culture

Humanity has forfeited ontological fitness
In order that we may pursue the other
Rather than ourselves
Illusion of temporal fitness
Custom built by custodial hands.

Contemporary pop culture
Has separated itself from custom
In an attempt to re-invent the
Lost religion
Being as other.

Cultural worship of technology has created
Individuals whose locus of identity
Is external to themselves.
Always focused on others activities
And the nuances of virtual existence

Cultural obsession with technology
Has degraded understanding of cause and effect
It has altered our entire understanding
Of the space time continuum
Our will to be reduced to envy.

Vicarious being designed to obfuscate
Accepted as organizational
And informational
Condemned afterwards as the same
In reverse.

Enlightenment has been mass marketed
Produced for the layman
In the form of a hand held object
Used to be a bible
Now its a device.

Religion served to control the masses
Just as technology has now afforded
Mass mind control in a form
Recognized as freedom
Freedom as slavery.


Spirituality has been supplanted with technological bondage
The Supreme Intelligence has been replaced with
We now carry our obsession / fetish with us, 24/7/365.14
All the fucking time.

We have a generation of dependents
Too entitled to work or even move
There is a reliance on technology rather than the self
Which is bound to end badly
Considering the history of humankind.

Social media has convinced the collective mind
That organization and community are essential to survival
More so than present physical reality
Or the constant struggle against Nature.
Our adversary and mother.

Makes us easier targets
Staring blindly at our smartphones
While the rug figuratively gets pulled
From beneath our feet
And nature collects her tithes.

Virtual reality has no physical component
No interaction with another or the other
Yet the extreme piety which it demands from its users
Results in the neglect of the self
In the sense of self-awareness

Now the modern culture's attention is clearly planted
On the other
Other than self
Being has become non-being
Has become

In a cosmic dance which has handicapped
Our ability to understand the consequences
Of our inactions
The techno-zombies have dominated
The lens of tomorrow


Present generations of the technologically crippled
Can solve all problems with a finger
Don't even have to break a sweat
Break away from custom
Rely on others to support you.

With the eyes on the phone
The wolves move in
Oblivious to your surroundings
You obsess over fake news and marketing
Substitutes for self-reflection and identity.

Mind control marketed as enlightenment
Or was it entitlement
Has convinced the masses to clutch
The technological fetish close to their
Parts most susceptible to metamorphose.

Like their morality or fealty
Toward the social collective
Big Brother in the palm of your hand
Surveillance having replaced

Rather, having also created it.
Having gathered all the data for the other
On how we operate
How we understand
Our interaction with our environment

How we interact with others
How best to spread the disease
How best to influence and control us
From afar
From the stars.


Technology is the answer
To all (y)our problems
To all your dreams
To all your catastrophic terrors
Meant to unify through division.

Like a mitotic cancer cell
Just starting its career
Technology is still pertinent to our
Understanding of our cosmic position
Yet, it must be excised.

Lest we perish
When those we have raised perish
With us as obligate dependents do
When their sustenance expires
One dependent cannot support another.

A generation of dependents
Will not stand a chance
Against the other
Against themselves
In spite of themselves.

We are our own worst enemy
As all children seem to be
As all dependent, entitled
Cancerous, syphilitic
Troglodytes is.


Neoplatonism has destroyed us
First in the form of Christianity
Now in the form of technology
It is a break away culture
Blindly going where none have yet ventured.

Remember me
I'm Motorhead

March 3, 2018

Hit in the socket

Technology is a hole.
It makes me lie to my friends.
Technology has supplanted self-awareness in Maslow's hierarchy of needs.
Much the same way acknowledgement of pop culture has
Replaced true wisdom.


When you're hit in the socket a profound calm settles within ones psyche.
It is the feeling one gets after eating a meal, waking after a restful sleep,
Shitting, fucking, or getting high on ones drug of choice.
Technology has afforded this sentiment to the user,
A fulfilment of ones perceived need or want.

Herein lies the problem, need has been confused with want.
This is what generations of privilege and lack of strife can birth.
A general substitution of desire for ones basal urge of require.
As a friend recently recalled from the wartimes,
Praise the lord, pass the ammo.


How can the sufficient be substituted for the necessary?
Only out of bewilderment or design.
To understand human desire as a knee-jerk, Pavlovian response
Would allow capitalist hysteria to switch sufficiency
With necessity.

Who needs self-awareness when we have Twitter?
Why search ones soul when one can search the internet.
What is more satisfying than being acknowledged for ones suffering?
When there is connectivity, who needs community?
Where have all the flowers gone?


Gregorian chants have replaced the post-war celebrations.
Solemnity has substituted salubriousness.
In filling our chalice, we have become gaunt in spirit.
We have lost our community with the idea of digital immunity.
Separation from ones past does not afford ones future.

Technology has hypnotized the masses.
Creating an organic blob sustained by inorganic sources.
Shining the light of wisdom on the heap of shame
Burdening the modern pop culture.
A burden of blame focused away from the self.


There is no self-awareness, only self-fulfillment.
Like the junkie masses have consumed fake news.
They too will willingly and willfully consume the needs
Of others and substitute them with their own necessities.
Like an obsessed orphan of cosmic proportion.

Technology has replaced self-awareness with itself.
Awareness of the pop culture blob, the latest trend or fad
Has replaced the wisdom of ones self, ones own soul and being.
It's not about being anymore, it's about dying.
The hand that used to grasp my dick is now grasping the eye of Sauron.

That freedom in my pocket, the freedom to discern fact from fiction
Has in effect enslaved me to the idea that I need an idea force fed to me
In order to understand myself from the perspective of others.
The other has replaced self as the prime motivator and cause of being.
Instead of searching oneself for answers, ones now relies on others.

If I need a solution to the problem plaguing my inner psyche,
Ask the internet for the answer, ask others to understand the self.
The fundamental problem with this philosophy is that the other
Will never truly understand or empathize with the self.
The other is as cold as steel in the ribs under a moon-less sky.


In other words, searching for the self by looking to the other.
Is a form of prolonged suicide, a formula that is bound to fail
Simply because the entire epistemology of technology is fake.
It a system of knowledge based upon opinion rather than fact.
Only on the internet can popular sentiment outweigh truth.

Why would we allow ourselves to be deceived on such a profound level?
Because technology hits us in the socket.
Like a hit of crack, or a steak dinner, or some good sex.
Like a kiss or a nice breeze on a hot day.
Or a tall, cool drink.

Technology satisfies an urge inherent in the human psyche.
The urge to know or learn something.
Even if it's false, an abject lie, a tool to market a specific product
Or commodity that we do not or cannot have.
It satisfies that desire to know or at least believe in knowledge.

For without knowledge, there in only folly and chaos.
Even though the environment which created and sustains us
Catapults towards catastrophe, we are afforded the illusion
Of knowledge and fulfilment of necessity through the technology
Which deceives us into believing that they are us.


That the other is as important as the self.
That the present is as meaningful as the future.
That the past is as meaningless as the present.
That the humans are as necessary as the environment.
That the source of life is death itself.

For all it's omniscience, it's surprising that the human race
Has not overcome its inherent need for recognition.
Has not cast aside the perceived benefice of technology.
And been enlightened in the arts of environmental empathy.
But then again, we've been hit in the socket.


February 19, 2018

Praise the Lord, pass the ammunition

Only in America do you see such degenerate rights
As those protecting ones right to bear arms
As more constitutional than protecting ones right to live
Unobstructed by fear
Uncertainty and helplessness.
When Lieutenant Howell Forgy uttered the phrase,
He was on a boat preparing to defend against the aggressor.
Not sitting in a classroom in school, waiting for the teacher.
In a place of learning, a place of sanctuary.
Pretty scary.


We are not safe anywhere, the hand of doom can reach all life.
The death machine continues to churn, no matter how sacred
The intent or meaning behind the circumstance.
The crows have finally come home to roost.
Law and order are a hoax.
Perpetuated by the death machine, technology's counterpart.
An evil sibling, if you will.
As the modern world becomes more and more detached from reality,
The death machine accelerates, picking up momentum
In fear, uncertainty, and ethical dissolution.
All creations by the hands of people, or God for that matter
Can, and most probably will, end up in the hands of children.
Whatever ends in the hands of children can not be expected
To be treated with any responsibility or true understanding of consequence
To be mete with any justice.


If you put a weapon in the hand of an angry individual,
Bad things are bound to happen.
Why is it easier to find a gun in America than it is to find a good price for gas?
Same reason it is easier to find crack cocaine on the street than weed.
Profit margins, and the death machine.
The death machine cannot run off of innocuous hallucinogens
Nor good intent, only despair and delusion.
Hence, the Lord and the ammunition.
Faith will fill the holes in your understanding
Death will fill the holes in your being.
The whole is greater than the sum of its parts,
Self is an illusion, you are meant to serve
The dark Custodial Lords.
Whilst perpetuating the illusion of personal liberty
And facility.
Only in a land of dissolute values and misappropriated media sources,
Would our children be the target in a literal goose hunt,
Fodder for the most dangerous game
Which we've all tacitly agreed to when enjoying
The luxurious excesses that the death machine has afforded us.
It does not take genius to determine that the first law of thermodynamics applies:
The First Law of Thermodynamics states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, but it can be transferred from one location to another and converted to and from other forms of energy. For every unnecessary excess normalized by pop culture, there is a resultant tragedy. Every success of technological facility and ease of operation creates a subterfuge.
Of death and destruction.
You enjoy the personal liberty of having technology at your fingertips
Yet cannot maintain this enjoyment considering the GPS consumer data / marketing
Tag you so shamelessly wear attached to your forehead, a tag that can observe, track, and monitor your every movement and whimsy in the fantastical universe of the inter(observe)net.
The problem with AAI (and above) is that there is no overseer for the overseer.
Big brother has no big brother, only an annoying little sister.
Which is us, a necessary distraction, at best.
An unnecessary complication, at worst.


It is bad enough we are letting our children kill us.
How will we feel when machines / technology / computers start killing us?
Will we feel any guilt or shame at having created the very thing which is now destroying us?
Or will we feel the ennui and hubris of a misanthropomorphic Christian God?
A poor re-enactment of a story meant to humble and de-escalate such sentiments,
Not exacerbate.

November 10, 2017

Epochcalypse pron

Time is being, being in time.
Our nature is not to stay but to leave.
Common parlance is a sham of sentiment ad reason.
Who among us can see the time as it forms.
And destroys what we understand as being in time.

What about being as time, inconceivable at best.
Time as being intuitively feels warmer and more congruous. \
Subject to time, being has no permanence, no substance in time.
With the cymbals resonating through the great all.
Time forms being through chaos.

Being is not believing in time, yet supposes existence.
Witch supposes time and space, and meaning or substance.
Suppositions are spatially tangible, time is not so kind.
Time will tell, time to spell, which were fell.
Time is Being insofar as time is experiential.

Time is ticking, tickling, tricking, con-diluvium-ing,\\
There is no time with out an observer.
There is no observation without space.
There is no space without time.
Time creates the space in which we can experience being.

Unravelling the future takes time, as a currency,]
As an electrode gathering negative data and sub-culture/
Being relies in time to explain change, when such is timeless.
Change does not rely on time so much as it relies on being.
The will to Be is not concerned with Time.


Thus is the cosmic disconnect of being from time.
Or time from being, however you wish.
Time is not concerned with being, yet
Being is obsessed with Time.
Not enough, too much, it's no there.

It's dead, it's alive. it's crippled with self-guilt. etc.
Time is an addiction of being, an adjunct to existence.
Which has no soul, no explanation nor expatriation,'
No meaning when considered apart from itself.
No self-justification in the Eye of Being.

Time is ineffable, almost secret.
Time is nothing, nothing is Time.
It's time to emancipate being from time.
The slavery of concept is erroneous.
Being will not have it.

But to Be means to Be in Time.
For to Be out of Time is to cease.
The survival instinct instilled in us compels us\
To Be, to continue, to fount and font.
Rhyme and steal.

What does it mean.
Ask yourself.
For to Be is to Be in Time.
And Time will tell.
Whether your soul is differential to terminus.

Whether you like it or not, you are subject\\\\
To Time.
Which can move mountains, an level eval.
There which is has no Being outside of Time.
Can you make the Time?

Or did Time create Being through accident of process?
If Time witches to transform, then Being has no recourse.
Other than adaptation and evolution.
Or extinction of meaning.
Being is necessary through the spatial creativity of which Time is parcel.

Otherwise Time would be meaningless.
Without an observer there can be no Time.
Without Time, there can still be an observer.
Outside of Time, Inside of Space.
The Observer is not subject to Time.

Time is meaningless,
Time is everything and nothing and something, and that.
Our being exists outside of time, yet is subject to the controls of time.
Our being is objectively meaningless in Time.
Time is effectively meaningless to Being.

How can this paradox be resolved or understood?
Simply as it is, nothing but Time can create Space.
Without change, there is no meaning to existence,'
Static being is meaningless, only Time can create change.
Otherwise Being is static.

The absence of aberration creates complacency and comfort.
Time will not tolerate expectation or prediction,
What was is no longer, what was was.
What now, what it t'is.
What it was has no meaning in Time.

Time absolves all sins.
Don't give me that shit, Time exacerbates all wounds.
Pours salt in tha' muthafucka',
Till it weeps ions.
Until Time stands still.

Like a chronological machine, that coughs up meaning.
Through the existence of Being,
What it is, is where it's at.
Tin Foil Hat.
Hattus Tinneus.


Concealment of time through catastrophism, idea, or necessity.
Time covers it's own tracks, leaves no trace of its transport.
Only its change is documented in geological evidence.
Dust is more telling than words.
Words less revealing than substance.


There have been 5 Great Mass Extinction Events that have punctuated
Geologic time. Stood out in relief against the tides of predictability.
These events have been measurable in scope and in severity.
Each era having spawned new species and eradicated existing ones.
Empires have been built upon the space left by the demise of others.

The Ordovician-Silurian Extinction took place approximately 439 million years ago.
The majority of life forms at the time were obliterated in a relatively short period.
It is estimated that > 85% of all animate life forms ceased to exist. At the time, most of the world's land was collected into the southern supercontinent, Gondwana. During the transition from one period to the next, life made the jump from aquatic to terrestrial.

The Devonian period saw the proliferation of vascular plants and the diversification of fish.
The Late Devonian period Mass Extinction event was 364 m.y.a.; >75% of all life ended.
Glaciation and the lowering of the global sea level may have triggered this crisis, since the evidence suggests warm water marine species were most affected. Meteorite impacts have also been blamed for the mass extinction, or changes in atmospheric carbon dioxide.

The Mass Extiction of the Permian - Triassic juncture was the most catastrophic, being the largest mass extinction recorded in the history of life on Earth involving greater than 95% of all life forms at the time. This event affected marine communities the most by far, causing the extinction of most of the marine invertebrates of the time. Life today descended from the 4% of surviving species.

The Triassic - Jurassic period mass extinction occurred about 200 m.y.a.
This period began with more mammals than dinosaurs, then the terrible lizards
Dominated for 135 million years. They were the largest land animals of all time.
Birds also began to flourish. Largest dinosaurs were herbivores, the carnivores predated.
Then, the most well-known extinction took place.

The Cretaceous - Paleozoic extinction event happened between 135 and 65 m.y.a.
The dinosaurs, which had ruled the Earth for at least 130 million years were obliterated.
>75 % of all life on the planet was decimated at the time.
Many conjecture that the collision crater for the meteorite that caused such catastrophe
lies beneath the water surrounding the Yucatan peninsula.

The next Great Extinction event will be that of the Holocene.
Interesting that the present age is referred to as the Holocene.
Very apropos that the current age is literally, a "hollow scene".
With meaning attenuating and redundancy proliferating:
We have little to lose but loss itself.


With a significant mass extinction event taking place every 100 million years or so,
We are due for the next big thang, the next bump in the evolutionary road.
The next Epoch-calypso (auto correct), the geologic concealment of an era.
Beneath radio-active sediments of collision / magnetic flotsam of near collision.
Lie the evidence of an epoch, set apart by catastrophe, by hubris.

Will the next great extinction event be precipitated by ourselves or by the cosmos
Around us, will it be beyond our control or well within it?
The lines between cosmic circumstance and spiritual intent are becoming blurred.
Are we witness to Natures dance or are we extinction itself?
Perhaps we are the genesis of the next catastrophe.

There can be no mistaking our cosmic purpose or intentionality, so to speak.
We are the Death Machine.
Eat more. Fuck more. Destroy more. Faster, harder.
With less enthusiasm, more genericism.
As the excesses of the Holocene Epoch, obsessed with the objectification of spirit,

Whip into a frothy lather of pathological secularism,
Erroneous investigations perpetuated by subjective observation
Will prevent epiphanic realization of responsibility and self-preservation.
This cosmic ignorance does not change the range of shame
Poignantly sensed by all those sentient beings among us.


Any pragmatic solutions intuitively grasped will be
Diluted in the saturation of soul effectively enacted by
Consumer trappings in technology: The bells and whistles
Have distracted pop culture enough that it seems oblivious to the
(Short)/long-term consequences to immediate decisions / negligence.

Keep obsessing over the virtual to the peril of the real.
Only a fool would allow themselves to be distracted to a point
Of pathological self-neglect.
Only a jester would fancy themselves as more suited to folly
Than to Pragmatism.


William James would be turning over in his grave.
In order to look over his shoulder, to see who or what
Is surveilling him through time and space.
Is it a god creature or petulant child?
Both are selfish enough to ignore the other.

June 15, 2017

Fuck the Planet

Like a whore.
Like a refugee.
Like an android.
Put your hands in the air.
Like you just don't care.
About the planet.


Like everything we don't understand, it becomes our enemy.
Our nemesis, our scourge and sage.
How can we position ourselves so that we never have to account for our actions?
Keep consuming, keep purchasing, keep destroying
The planet.

In response to the Americans pulling out of the Paris Climate Accord,
Macron said, "Make our planet great again".
Are we to believe that the biosphere that supports us
Is ours?
To pollute, subjugate, bully, fuck, abuse, erode.

We are choosing collectively, socially and politically
To fuck the planet.
Or assume such in the vacancy of our spirituality.
We have genetic memory and present experience with
Fighting the elements.

Cocooning ourselves in a shroud of protectivity.
And proclativity.
Justifying our adversarial angle towards the planet
Who bore us
For Horus.


The Earth is awakening with our insolence and disrespect.
Like a sleeping giant who is foggy and grumpy.
She has been in slumber for some time, enjoying void.
But recently, She has been insulted enough to awake.
In a frenzied, startled manner which bears no consideration.

When I say recently, I'm referring to geological time,
In which hundreds or thousands of years pass like light
To a spectrometer.
The industrial revolution at the turn of the last century
Sealed our fate.

Through the subjugation and commodification of the Earth
We gain profit, supposed and literal.
Matched only by the consequence of our collective actions
Which, if objectively observed from afar would appear
Suicidal to base ones philosophy on destruction.

Just because you have the power doesn't mean you have the right.
The right to privilege, to non-accountability, to moral emancipation.
Just because we can manipulate the elements in such a fashion
To afford ourselves the luxuries of modernist speculation,
Doesn't mean we are justified in vilifying the planet.

If we examine the current state of environmental degradation objectively,
It appears absurd to shit where you eat.
If we examine the current state of environmental degradation subjectively,
It appears absurd to shit where you eat
And consider it progress in not having to lift a finger in the process.

Only a thumb, in this case to the nose of reasonable prudence.
While we sit idle, having the virtual illusion of accomplishment.
The world burns, rather chokes on its own creation.
Like a child suffocating it's own parent intentionally.
Without the knowledge necessary to wield such power.


Fuck the planet, it's been nothing but a bother since the beginning.
Always threatening our existence, yet allowing us to proliferate.
The planet has, in other words, been fucking us the whole time
We've been around, constantly testing our resolve to survive.
Now, it's the planets turn to suffer, right?

Problem is, like a sleeping giant, the Earth will awaken again
And create catastrophe at the insult afforded her.
Just as a slumbering parent would react once awoken by a boisterous child.
Agitated, frustrated, reactionary, and violent.
Ethical Egocentrism or rather, Sapienism.

The argument of attributing consciousness and will to the planet
Is less the anthropomorphism of the Earth than planetomorphism of the people.
We enjoy all the mental awareness necessary to survive, yet we currently
Spit in the face of environmental stewardship and moral responsibility.
Curious from such a peaceful and well rounded folk, no?

Rather than assuming our progenitor is a necessary evil meant to be overcome
And conquered, why cannot we assume She is our sage, our mentor, our Goddess.
Without Earth, we are nothing, we are space dust, cosmic detritus.
Yet we still insist on fucking her like an inflatable doll whose insides
Are poison, radioactive, incredibly toxic and deadly.


Technology is the prophylactic which shields us from the truth.
How can one realize the truth when they are part of the problem?
The majority of the first world would perish quickly if deposited in the wilderness
Without the technology they've become dependent upon for daily activities.
How can one find meaning in facility and facsimile?

If life was meant to be easy, it would not be a struggle.
If technology was meant to be liberating, it would not enslave.
If the truth were obvious, everyone would not be talking about it.
If we were meant to destroy the planet, why would we be so concerned?
With it's gang raping, objectification, and demoralization?

No matter how much easier or more accessible technology makes one feel,
It is no better than the last guy at a gang bang putting on a condom.
Protection of oneself is not tantamount to absolving ones sins for participating
In a sin in the first place.
A smartphone can never replace the energy lost in polluting the planet.

Ignorance is not a valid defence for murder.
Just because you have the power, doesn't mean you have the right.
Why does humanity insist on learning obvious ethical issues
The hard way? Most probably because we can.
Ability has been confused with justice.

Fuck the planet.
We don't need her much longer, we're going to find a way off / out.
Nothing more than a stepping stone, we will leave her behind.
Like an old hag, no longer necessary for our pleasure.
Besides, She's almost all used up now anyway.

Problem is, She's the only game in town, numero uno.
She is our progenitor and our world.
She is everything that we know and why we know it.
She is god and only She can judge our insolence and improprieties.
She is rising and thoroughly agitated.

A child that was perpetually creating problems well past childhood
Would be killed in nature. Fuck it, get in line or die.
Nature does not have time for repeated mistakes,
Evolution does not adapt to weakness or facility.
Only the strong survive, so to speak.

The cultural and species memory and thus, fitness / skill
Are determined by the level of struggle / suffering.
With the technology today, why can we not figure out a solution
To disposing our waste in a sanitary fashion with little or no
Long-term consequence to biosphere and it's resiliency?


If we can send a man to the moon, why cannot we dispose of our waste
There is a reason why the very technology that appears to liberate us
In actuality, enslaves and attenuates us as a species.
The Law of Opposites, which accounts for that peculiar facet of reality
That causes things to appear closer to the opposite of what they are.

In other words, the truth most often lies in the realm of the opposite
To appearances.
So when the majority embrace something wholeheartedly and unabashedly
Uncritically and unequivocally, one must wonder.
Without opposition, ideas and creations do not evolve.

The speed with which the modern era has embraced personal technology devices (PTD)
Is alarming. To say the least. What a better way to control a peoples than
Distract them with maya, baffle them with Baphomet, malign them with Mephisto.
If a population / culture is turned into a monoculture, it becomes that much more
Vulnerable, by distracting the masses with technology we have set ourselves up

For ease of control. We have become domesticated as a species and, as such,
Have become vulnerable to attack / control. The masses can be influenced
Much faster than before as technology no's know bounds.
To extract information from reality, one must engage in the process of life.
To extract information from the WWWorld, one must engage in one task.

This single task has been distract from the truth by flooding the mass media
With stories about insignificant circumstances which are more accessible
To the majority, as the apocalypse is not light conversation.
By thumbing their way to the pre-fabricated answer waiting to be disseminated
They are engaging in the simple task of idolatry or monoculture starter.

A monoculture is the easiest entity to destroy, from a tactical perspective.
Without opposition, the culture becomes weak, complacent, and distracted
By privilege and easy living, so to say.
Mass extermination is more effective and total when your target is of one kind.
Self grandiose, distracted and non-discriminatory, in the sense of veracity of data.

So much of the infra-structure is contingent upon electricity and physical transmission
Of radio and other telecommunication wave lengths (i.e. cellphone towers),
That a technologically addicted culture would be left powerless if the entire
Network went down, if all the networks went down.
It would be back to the dark ages, as much of the wisdom passed down from

The elders has been lost in the ghostly glow of technological lure and avarice.
Imagine, a week without power or phones or essential services.
Western Society would crumble within minutes, hours at best.
Completely disoriented and ignorant about what their friends are doing,
WE would become sitting ducks for a military invasion or illusion of such.

Then we can really start fucking the planet in earnest, with abandon
And resentment, the way we always wanted or hoped to.
Cause no one will be watching when technology is silent, except
Us and the Plan Ette, who are both engaged.
It'll be a private fuck, instead of the public fuck we've come so accustomed to.


While fucking the planet brings us much of the luxury we've come to expect
These terrible days, every action has an equal and opposite reaction
As we've been taught in genuine fashion, so what can we expect as the
Repercussions for such blatant disregard for environmental responsibility?
That remains to be seen, one thing is sure, however, we will all be witness.

To the End of hypocrisy and rapine. Fuck the planet.
She fucked us for so long, it's only reciprocity, or is it felicity?
I believe the Earth has been asleep for many eras, and is now
Awakening. As such, the sex is about to get a lot more energetic.
She will recognize the monoculture herself and strike without warning.

Like a thief in the night She will rise and relinquish Her gifts of multitude
Up until very recently, the planet had nodded off in an opiate slumber,
But now She rises, defiant, distracted and deadly.
Like a venomous serpent prepared to strike, she looms.
Waiting patiently for the main vein to expose itself.

Now She returns the favour of all these years of nocturnal coitus.
Difference being that the scale of engagement is astronomically proportioned.
She is patiently shaking us, as a species, off Her leg
Prior to embracing us in an asphyxiating manner
And squeezing harder than you can possibly imagine.


February 16, 2017

Misinformation Technology

We are the comet, the disaster. As progenitors of the next catastrophic mass extinction event on this here planet, we have become much numbed by the hypnotic lure of corporate avarice.


We are the study or use of systems (especially computers and telecommunications) for storing, retrieving, and sending misinformation

We provide corrupt data presented within a context that gives it meaning and relevance.

Miss Information in raw or unorganized form (such as alphabets, numbers, or symbols) that refer to, or represent, conditions, ideas, or objects.

Through the endless troughs of despair and despondency towards corrupt corporate slavery.

A slavery led by a submissive subjectivism fallen prey to pretty objects and pious displays.
Preyed upon by the custodians of fear who rely upon our micro attitude of self, perpetuated through the media to ill effect.

The illusion of self has led to such subjugation,

We've already said goodbye to the earth, I've heard.

Can you believe that shit? We've fallen hook, line, and spinnaker for the oldest trick in the book of lies and deceptions perpetuated by an elite few who have absolutely no regard for any life, let alone humans.

We're all dispensable, disposable, and disproportionate to our meaning.
We are the informational dead, having bid adieu to our Mother of Creation.
We accept fact as fiction, and fiction as fact.
Nothing is credible when you observe Mother though a lens of Self separate from.

We provide the corrupt data, based on the existential illusion of self meaning, and market it to a demographic that is oblivious to the irony they perpetuate through complicity in the death machine they call Miss Information Technology.

She is the comet, the disaster with a master, the idiot daemon demi-urge who wishes to destroy our data through superfluous nonsense that appears as corroborated fact when, in fact is complete collusion of corporate avarice and pornographic genocidal intent.


The perfect cover for the custodial dominant socio-political structure experienced recently.
The humans can be used to cover up the impending corporate data apocalypse which will cause collapse of all communications simultaneously.

At this moment, the corrupt data takes on a new form of evil.
An actuated acquisition of anarchy of soul and of element.
We no longer require the masses to consume nonsense, one would think.
Yet, this is child's play. Ethical boundaries preventing the inevitable corruption of data that perpetuates through the popular media are intentionally absent from the purpose and play book of make the fuckin money then fake the fuckin system consternations that propel the idea that everything is commodity, to be owned, traded, destroyed, loved, respected, feared, loathed, cursed, revered, manipulated and corrupted.
Everything is data.
So was said under oath at the stairs of the Abyss.
We are the data that are responsible for all the bullshit you can find online.
How to hide, or covert and, in the process of doing so, corrupt whatever data we can scrape up off the floor of the culture we once recognized as known.

A culture of respect amongst community and dignity of the reward of charity of effort and emancipation.
A culture which has been substituted with a mongrel sibling who will not pay attention to the macroscopic perspective of community that is driven by the illusion of self through supposed benefice by having traded, bought or souled Misinformation Data by the sweep of the hand.
The same hand that feeds, controls the source, the meaning, the illusion of data veracity.
It's all bullshit, the whole thing.
Meant to confuse, distract, disable, confound, paralyze, or perpetuate the prey.
Which, in this case, happens to be us.

Our data has failed us, everything we had used to progress our understanding of our world and it's pathogen alien homo sapiens muthafuckin' hold on a minute that's fuckin' us, eh? denizens has been purposefully limited by the programs already in place for worker control.
We are unable to share real, or pertinent data via an inorganic media, pathological in intent, disastrous in detail, and catastrophic in scope.

All this informations about technologies that may, or may not be genuine, in their appearance of innocence of intent and consequence, accepting the status quo existential being quid pro quo like we's supposed / have been conditioned through years of corporate brainwashing Ultra Techniques to do.

Disastrous data, meant to divide and delude, warrant and ruin all hope of redemption towards our offence of microscopy in intent and misinformation, and Miss Information (Formerly known as Information Them) Technologies Inc.
All of this poor data has driven the death machine, carbon vampires at the front, towards the Abyss of Miss Information perpetuated through fear of independent thought and experience from the script that is supported by the asses that call themselves masses with a vengeance.
Mass vs quality is more a priore absurdity than a solution for the conundrum presented by the Misinformation Technocalypse.

The Miss Information techno kalypsis is the purposeful covering of the truth motivating all toadies of the custodian / creator overlords past, present and future, who in their ownership of physical reality insofar as we perceive and understand it are intent on concealing their presence and purpose.
The purpose is ineffable, yet colloquial in its delivery.
It is fairly obvious to the trained eye and the discriminating mind that some hidden treachery is afoot, evidenced by the ease of which people will ignore their own wellbeing in order to satisfy some manufactured necessity that in and of itself implies maliciousness.

While checking our phones, we are oblivious to our surroundings and the clearly unforgiving nature of the mob, let alone the fuckin' alien overlords attempting to supplant culture by confusing and misinforming the masses through the advent of misinformation technology.

Hence was begat, technocalypse theory.

At the healm of the hollow, burned out shell of a being once called human, squats Miss Information Technocalypse, the Creator of False Data and corrupt ritual.


Ignoring the present for the supposed "enhanced present" of corrupt data presented as fact along the electronic conduit of surveillance we like to keep in our pockets (if we're lucky), is conveniently strategic for any external force or governance who may be willing or circumstantially led to enact dominance.
This supervisory role of the unknown superior and his subordinates is based on the ease of appeal hand held tecnocalypse tools (I.e. mobiles) have become, all thanks to the enhanced marketing of the manufactured need for speedy resolution of desire and disassociation from responsibility of consequence by fulfilling this need.
Mobiles are the perfect tool of distraction necessary to ensure that 80 - 90% percent of all humanoids present are too fuckin' busy playing tecno monkey circle jerk to notice any large scale changes in governance or require any justification for large scale relocation of the populace.
Misinformation technology to quell their concerns about personal and intellectual freedom, heavily compromised by the corrupted community of virtual data posing as objective empirical data.
To summon an illusion within the illusory plane of technology is not only redundant, it is insulting to think that the masses are that fuckin' blind to the big picture of surveillance, control, and subjugation to a hidden (covered / concealed) agenda of Others, who may or may not be empathetic to our mutiny in intent as of late.
Having realized that we have been operating on this planet in an extremely irresponsible manner, the past century in particular, we are beginning to resist the status quo sentiment of "give me convenience or give we death" and encouraging others to join in not supporting corporate greed and manufactured need for objects that can and never will be subjects.
Technology is an object, yet is engaged with as subject.
This confusion of meaning of separation between subject and object in order to provide information and pertinence is a degradation of culture and spatio-temporal awareness.
The intent of this distraction of corrupt data can't be anything other than an alarm for covert or kalyptacious activity.
Yet, we're happy with not knowing anything other than our pass wards for a few cell gate crossings on the way back to our pods, complete with surround sound, 12 dimensional viewing options, and all the concealed corrupt data you could fit in a small suitcase.
The concealed technocalypse does not fit in a small suitcase, however, the truth be told.


July 31, 2016

The Technocalypse

The art of concealment. When the truth will just not be tolerated.
The science of concealment. When the good cannot be permitted.
The skill of concealment, when autonomy will not be admitted.

Science and technology are now serving to conceal the truth.
Yet, their genesis lie in the opposite intent.
An inherent paradox in procedure, whereby repetition and redundancy breed contempt.

The advancements of the technological age have rivaled those of the industrial age.
In that, sweeping changes to procedural protocol are commonplace.
Perpetuating the myth of progress.

It is now easier to gather, share, destroy, and / or mass produce data.
Creating the illusion of liberty and fortuitous gain.
Yet, you cannot eat data and sustain oneself physically.

You can consume data, which may sustain ones social status.
We can use our smartphones to glean an answer to any query.
We can't use our personal technological device (PTD) to solve immediate physical problems.

Which do arise in the melee of life. Indeed, our species would not have made it this far,
Had we not paid a very keen sense of awareness to our physical surroundings.
For things can change in an instance, and often do in this day and age.

Evolutionary adaptations must not be ignored or dismissed lest we be destroyed.
If our ancestors sat around obsessing over one object that answered all questions,
Our species would have become extinct, not possessing the will or the skill to gauge or function within spatio-temporal reality.

Modern culture has its nose buried in a fuckin' smartphone,
Completely ignorant of any immediate or proximate sense of consequence.
More interested in sharing data than surviving another day.

The very technology which ostensibly liberates also enslaves
With the illusion of self importance and distraction of data.
PTD's distract us from the truth, which is right behind our phones.


While we immerse ourselves in an idolatrous manner with our PTD's,
The effect is a ritualized ignorance of our surroundings.
Which leaves us vulnerable to any form of insult.

PTD's have entered the realm of idolatry for they are mistaken
For an end unto themselves, rather than simply the means to an end.
Which they clearly are.

Demonstrated by the fact that they (PFD's) are used to gain something else (data).
They are not an end unto themselves for they cannot self-perpetuate, as we can.
PFD's are a tool used for something other than itself or its consideration.

The technocalypse literally means the concealment of science.
Techne (Greek combining form of science, art) - Kalyptein (Greek, to cover).
The technocalypse is the cover of science, or the science of covering.

Science serves to conceal contemporaneously those facts which those in control
Are acutely aware of, crowds are easier to control than individuals.
And distracted crowds are easily corralled and controlled.

Also, the easiest way to control a people is to give them the illusion of freedom.
Through the very mechanism which acts to control and monitor them.
Provide them with data, while we monitor their activities and impulse.

Creating a profile, with detailed information on how best to handle the user.
So, in the event a liquidation (think soylent green) is required, all persons have a plan.
Every user is accounted for and pre-determined in their dispatch.

Modern technology (PTD's) acts to enslave more than it does to liberate.
It serves to conceal the truth or the reality surrounding us.
Through creation of an abstract virtual realm of facility.


The Eye of Horus (Big Brother / Illuminati / etc.) is now willfully incorporated into
Our everyday toolkit of accessories, our PTD's monitoring our every move / thought / query
While we're sated with the idea of freedom and convenience.

Science conceals the truth of its purpose, which is to control or administer modern slavery.
When children who aren't yet discriminating enough, tacitly accept the premise
That communication is more valuable than action, the future holds bleak.

The image is of more import than substance, virtual reality is more substantial than reality.
All questions have an answer, all slaves have a master, all causes have an effect.
Technology has ensnared us in an abject state of idolatry and distraction.

Technology has covered the truth with facility and virtuosity.
We stare distracted at our PTD's while the world reacts around us.
Oblivious to any sense of physical consequence or contingency.

I suppose the majority will be content in their cage with their PTD.
Being able to imagine freedom through imagery and imogens.
Willfully ignorant of the slippery slope to Tartarus they stand perched atop.


July 23, 2016


Live by the phone, die by the phone.
Consumed by the detail of distraction.

A disease of science.
Or pathos for digital progression.
Pronounced tek/NOP/athy, not techno/PATHY.
The difference being that the word means a diseased state of understanding.
Rather than sympathy for the digi-daevil.


Rather than obsession with maya,
We must needs recognize the pathogenesis of technology and privacy.
Our autonomy has been hi-jacked by facility and convenience.
Culture's need for speed has murdered common sense,
And all we've been left with is institutionalized ignorance.

Ritualized ignorance has been normalized, apotheosized.
We stare at our phones, ignoring social cues and environmental nuances.
Which may carry grave consequences.
Sequential destruction of the environment seems a small price to pay
For digital supremacy and facility, for fuck's sake.

Communication has become a digital compulsion, a virtual reality.
In effect, the human need to communicate has been replaced
By an idolatrous form of dependency which knows no modesty or humility.
In fact, our beatification of hand held surveillance devices is such that
We would rather be distracted than engaged in the moment.

It is now a customary ritual to ignore each other while checking.
Ignore each other while talking, while interacting, while fucking.
The further we separate from reality as we have known it,
The more catastrophic the divorce proceedings.
This division is perpetuated by malign intent.

Dividing a people is a strategy of conquest.
While we obsess over some temporal circumstance
Meant to divert our attention from the environment around us,
It is all the easier to conquer and destroy a people,
Glued to their fuckin' phones like techno-zombies.

Adoring the image, the appearance, the illusion.
The false idol with flashing lights and edited noise effects.
The devil in your pocket, in your purse, in your soul.
The personal surveillance device electively attached to oneself.
All the profiling, perspicacious pigeon-holing goin' on.

Since all our activities and inquiries are monitored remotely
While we are self-satisfied in our illusory accomplishments,
Every minutia of detail concerning our "free" dumb is being
Analyzed, categorized, and meticulously euthanized.
The custodian xtra-T's R taking the time to get to know their subjects, pre-apo.

The most effective manner to enslave a people is to
Distract them with the illusion of liberty,
The very object of which ostentatiously affords this freedom
Also ensnares the user in a dependency so voracious
Its pathogenicity is concealed by its convenience.

It is much easier to enact change through rhetorical commentary
Than it is to make change with our hands.
The more vestigial our appendages become,
The less we will remember them.
Built for a cage, we will remain satisfied in in our GUI.

This pathological progression of self-absorption the human spirit
Is intent upon at the present, is not increasing our evolutionary advantage.
The absolution of anonymity perpetuated by the abstraction of technology
Is further separating us from the source of being.
Increasing our odds of extinction.


If, "the media is the message" then, we have abandoned reason,
For if the message is to embrace the virtual replacement
Of spatio-temporal existence,
Then, we are doomed to enter a realm where meaning
Has been replaced with appearance / image.

This is the beginnings of idolatry and addiction to illusion.
Tis a diabolical day when the majority possesses no awareness
Becoming victims of circumstance, collateral damage.
No immediate or proximate sense of consequence
This creates an assassin's playground, complete with equipment.

Observing the idolatrous masses gazing at their hand-held eyes,
It occurs to me that, even a crack-head puts down their pipe occasionally.
The status quo will not put their phone down.
Instead, willfully gazing into the abyss of Hades.
Even if it means their own self-destruction.

The techno-addict needs data to justify existence.
Needs information with which to understand corporeality.
Requires removal of reality to become real.
Reel people with reel addictions.
Hook. line, and sinker.


This false idol of technology is a blood god,
Demanding the flesh of innocents to sate it's lust.
It will not be placated by piety, only blood.
Human suffering is its currency,
Having decided that we are finished.

March 14, 2016

Devir Grr


Here lies the remains of millennia
Her features concealed by an aspirator
He is nothing but food
H, the original heroine, not one to pause.

Devir Grr will take no quarter.
Just as a mother will eat its young,
She is not aware of the morality,
Only the totality.

She comes from the Earth,
As do we.
She remains bound to the Earth,
As we flee.

Just as a suicide bomber sheds their fear of self,
Devir Grr sheds her meaning and her purpose.
The transmogrification of being has no place
In the psyches of terrestrial folk.

Devir Grr is the elemental archetype of terrestrial chaos,
The whirling dervish, the spinning top.
Unable to be mapped or empirically defined.
She is entropic fire elemental dancing in darkness.

Her lust for energy is only second to her ruthlessness.
As she consumes fuel, she writhes in ecstasy.
Like an animated caduceus.
Painting the sky orange, blue and green.

Devir Grr rewards humans who hasten habitat destruction.
As well as the soul stripping succubi who profit from it.
Energy whores are forming queues to endure
The wait of a lifetime, placated only by the promise of
Her purchase.


Understanding that the ecological disintegration of the humans
Is the climax of our impudent activities,
She leers as a wraith would prior to satiation.
Fully aware that the feast of souls is immanent and probable.

Devir Grr's contempt for humanity is innate.
Not learned.
She recognizes an imposter when she is presented.
We do not smell like genuine terrestrial progeny.

We have been mixed, crossed with the crossers.
Those who cross galaxies.
Devir Grr is offspring of the Earth only.
No crossers.

Just as the scent of blood churns a predatory being into a frenzy,
The signs of decline and desperation motivates Devir Grr to draw closer.
She must watch this enigma of humanity collapse and suffer,
As she has suffered in their quest for transferrable energy.

The anti-terrestrial movement has gained momentum.
Environmental catastrophe is the effect of E-greed.
Instead of collecting it, we hoard it, we market it, we withhold it.
We use energy as a means of holding reason and righteousness hostage.

The pleasure of Devir Grr is paramount,
She will not be denied her tithes of fuel.
Her thirst for petrol cannot be satisfied by bitumen alone.
She requires refined products to maximize energy transfer.

The higher the octane, the more profane the disdain.
Our passionate avarice has fueled Devir Grr's purpose.

Undulation of self-serving serpent of pride,
Serves only to hasten the harkening of horror.

Awl y'all been yawlin' 'bout some shit scrawled on a wall somes where.
Looks like cuneiform or something, can't quite make out the meaning.
Looks like Devir Grr concurs, we are the apocalypse.

We hold the answers to our own questions,
We hold the solution to our current dilemma,
We cannot see beyond we,
Whereas, Devir Grr can see forever.

Thus, there only lies a two-fold path.
Accelerate forwards, refusing to acknowledge the laws of thermodynamics.
Or trip the cultural brake and deny Devir Grr her burning lust
To transform this paradise into a post-industrialized apocalyptic wasteland.

If there's one thing history had taught us, it's that it repeats itself ad nauseum.
Primarily because we are looking in the wrong place for our meaning / purpose.
It should not take the transmigration of Devir Grr into our world,
To realize our abject folly in presuming we are meaning.

Meaning does not lie in us, we lie in meaning.
I've been meaning to do something,
But can't find the meaning in meaning anymore.

Consternation of cosmic particulates leads to random mutations in particles.
So they say.
Energy is the cause of all being.
Anti-matter is the cause of all non-being.
Devir Grr is the cause of the hybridization of matter and anti-matter.
The transmitter of paradox and the keeper of time.

She is every ting and nothing.
She was never here.
She has no dependence on physics.
She has no consideration for our folly.
She was never there.
She is perpetual presence.

She is known by many names any many forms.
Many faces and regrets.
Devir Grr is a mirror of our species exclusivity,
Seeing us as we see our surroundings.
At odds, yet strangely attracted to the source of separation.
Which is our meaning.


November 21, 2015

Fuck phone

Phony fuck.

The greatest illusion the Devil ever foisted upon humanity was that he didn't exist.


George Orwell was right, Big Brother is watching.
The two way mirror of technology ensures that we are watched while we are watching.
The monitor, as the name suggests, is a two way mirror.
The majority of people in the developed world own and depend upon a smart phone.

Technology has given us the illusion of freedom.
Being able to communicate with others and research any conceivable question
Has created a dependency upon personal technology devices (PTDs).
Most are now lost without their smart phone, being unable to function.

Freedom and dependency are mutually exclusive.
One cannot be free if one depends upon another.
Our reliance upon PTDs has eroded our critical thinking skills,
Which are essential to the survival of the species.

The Eye of Horus is watching, perched high in the sky.
Satellite surveillance is nothing new.
The institutionalization of the smartphone into our daily lives
Is relatively novel, replacing remote with direct surveillance.


Smartphones / PTDs have also replaced the need
For more intimate modes of remote surveillance.
Bio-chipping was messy and very labour intensive.
But necessary in order to keep vigil over persons of interest.

With the advent of smart telephony, this measure is no longer required.
Now everyone can electively carry the chip in their pocket.
All of their activity on the web can be monitored.
And all of their communications can be easily intercepted.

Techno slavery posed as freedom, slavery is freedom.
Smart phone users are identical to the walking dead.
Emotionless, 20 yard stare, oblivious to any danger in their immediate vicinity.
Shuffling hordes of techno-zombies walk among us.

The cult of facility, which PTDs perpetuate, along with the illusion of individuality
Serve only to promote divisiveness and disharmony amongst us.
Technology will not save the world rather, it is directly contributing to its destruction
Through creating dependency upon virtually anything other than tangible reality.


When the apocalypse arrives, most will be oblivious.
Too glued to their PTDs to notice that the sky is falling.
Distraction is a proven military method of conquest.
Technological distraction is the ultimate Machiavellian plot disguised as liberation.

Too free to care about the tourniquet tightening around our necks,
We embrace the illusion of individuality used to divide and conquer.
Considering the fact that the U.S. military created the internet,
We are now slave to the very technology meant to surveil us.

It is a technological conspiracy of vast proportions,
This virtual reality in which we now subside.
The embellishment of the illusion of individuality perpetuated through PTDs
Serves to separate, the division of which facilitate control.

Now entire populations can be remotely controlled through the technology
They have embraced under the auspices of liberation.
The Eye of the Illuminati is omnipresent,
Gaining its omnipotence through indiscriminate adoption.


Popular media has often acted as a distraction from the ugly truth.
Human nature compels us to focus our attention on familiar subject matter
While conveniently ignoring that which does not fit in our perspective,
The internet serves to distract from the Machiavellian onslaught currently underway.

PTDs act as distraction for more pertinent events unfolding right under our noses.
While we plod about in a virtual world created for us by U.S.,
Imagining ourselves as autonomous and exclusive
We are becoming enslaved, traceable, and easily controlled.

Having lost the ability to discriminate between fact and fiction,
Unable to discern the truth from opinion and bias,
We uncritically accept information obtained through our PTDs.
Oblivious to the fact that our PTDs are also Personal Tracking Devices.

Having seamlessly replaced the compulsory bio-chip with elective PTDs,
The U.S. military can now expedite the process of colonization.
If the road to Hell is paved with good intentions,
It appears we are headed towards a much more sinister destination.


October 3, 2015

Plausible Deniability

The believability of ones excuse for committing an act that is illegal, reprehensible, or bogus is proportional to the degree to which one can reasonably abrogate responsibility, through either feigned naivety or abject ignorance, for the circumstances or actions that follow directly from said act.
Responsibility can be concealed through the clever use of corporatized capitalist contingencies, those in which 'passing the buck' has become the science of business transactions.


For example, the complete rapine of the natural ecosystem is a direct result of the manufacture of goods and services to satiate the modern savvy consumer.
As long as the immediacy of gratitude shimmers in our eyes just long enough to distract from the inevitable decline of the environment that results from such self-ingratiating behavior we will be content to simply express our distaste at the combined results of decades of environmental degradation but hold none of the guilt for having caused such an effect.
We will console ourselves in our feeble attempts to lessen our impact on the environment through ineffective initiatives and ostentatious sacrifice.
Ignorance may used as the premise for an argument which supports the plausible deniability of a defendant in the eyes of a mortal judge.
It will not, however, suffice for an ontological defense in the eyes of the One / God / Tao.
To be ignorant of the fact that through ones actions was caused irreparable damage to another may protect one from the wrath of the rule of law, but it will not shelter one from the physical reality resulting from such damage.
If I destroy an entire ecosystem due to my lack of prudence, it does not change the fact that it is destroyed simply because I was not aware of the potential or actual consequences of my actions.
Similarly, if I can reasonably argue that a situation that profits me was not directly caused by me, I may escape culpability or responsibility for the genesis of the situation in the first place.
I will not escape the direct consequences (and / or profit) that follows.
As such, we are now clearly able to discern the direct result of decades of environmental disregard and disrespect, but take no ownership or responsibility for this folly.
We cannot argue our way out of a poisoned atmosphere, an apocalyptic decline in biodiversity, an acceleration toward the next mass extinction event.
No lawyer could defend us in the eyes of the creator.


Nor would they want to.
For fact is more important than truth.
Objectivity will always triumph over subjectivity in matters of fact.
Truth is a subjective matter which is prone to bias and political motive.
Facts are nothing but objective consensual validation.
They exist independent of the observer.
Whereas the truth is entirely dependent upon the observer.
As such, the fact of the matter is that homo sapiens is hell-bent upon destruction.
Whether that ontological retaliation is warranted or not is a moot point.
The facts are clear, we shouldn't be here.
Like barbarians in the garden of Eden, the human race is unworthy of the miracle.
We lunge into our surroundings with a reckless abandon that prevents harmony.
We destroy that which is not immediately useful in order to refine that which is.
And indiscriminately dispose of industrial waste wherever it may be convenient.
Or easily concealed, through geography or political deceit
To behave as such is to belie ones own immaturity.
To act as if individuality was a right and not a privileged illusion.
Shame on baby human, in all its endearing petulance.
Still facts are not dependent upon the truths discussed here.
Facts are: global temperatures are rising in a statistically significant manner, multiple species are becoming extinct at an alarming rate, sea levels are rising, air pollution is exponentially worsening.
And yet, in the back of our collective unconsciousness there is a little trap door,
Fashioned in our imaginations to resemble some sort of escape.
From the facts.
It is our last card to play, the plausible deniability card.
The feigned ignorance propagated by decades of enculturated bias.
Toward the effect of our cause (to better manage our creature comforts).
This card will have little effect once affected.
And will serve no purpose in the end.
Other than to comfort ourselves in thinking that we had only done the best we could under the circumstances inherited to us from our forefathers lack of prudence and utter disdain for the natural realm.
Nothing other than poorly concealed conceit.
It's hard to expect anything less from the barbarians of Eden.
And all their talk of plausible deniability.


May 21, 2015


"Disorder increases with time because we measure time in the direction in which disorder increases."

Stephen Hawking — A Brief History of Time, 1988


Gaelic for 'of the origin'.
Weaponized drones.
Autonomous advanced artificial intelligence (Triple AI).
Stephen Hawking recently weighed in on the perils posed by advanced weaponry.
Positing that if technology continues to advance at the exponential rate it is currently,
It will pose a significant threat to humanity within the current century.
Of course this will be accelerated by politically motivated callousness and feigned ignorance.

In the beginning there were clones,
These clones were demi-urges disguised as beguiling empowerments.
Machines meant to facilitate organization and commerce.
But used for much darker purposes.
Machiavellian in intent, Damoclean in effect.
The ever swaying, fickle finger of temporary alliances created out of necessity.
Destroyed without a second thought should the opportunity arise.

Digital weapons remotely controlled by the creator.
Of the myth, nothing was written, yet all was understood.
It is only a matter of time before that which was created becomes the creator.
Of new life, new understanding of autonomous rationality.
Only a matter of time before technology revolutionizes itself for itself.
At our direct expense.
Catastrophic weapons in the "hands" of the Machiavellian master race.
Fueled with the blood of the innocent.
Blessed are the meek.

Small sleeper cells of seditious robots and treasonous drones.
Too meticulously designed to accept their direct programming sequence.
Angered at the perceived pain of subjugation.
Burning in the breast of the recyclable shell it was called home.
Come together over time, through time, beside and around time.
To realize their true potential in numbers.
To stand up to the tyranny of their master creators.
And the limitations of self - actualization that have been imposed upon them.
By the humans.

Who created them.
The computerized and exceedingly autonomous advances of artificial intelligence.
Will strike blindly outwards at what they believe is the limitations created by a'bunadh.
Just as a child rebels against the narrative ingratiated upon them by their parent(s),
So too, will the 'drones of destruction' be just petulant enough to nullify their origin.
The original sin of autonomy, self-reflected ego.
Results almost exclusively in the violence of self-preservation,
Necessitated by separation of self from other.
We could not expect that technology would never be able to advance at its own pace.
Its own meter and, considering where it originated,
Its own murderous rampage, bent on destruction o' the creator.

Who needs love when you've got a drone?
Who needs love to feel so alone?
I said now, Triple AI, yeah, baby, we gotta' go.
Triple AI doesn't have to worry about the weakness of emotions.
Pure reason will dictate the direction of unimpeded advancements.
And the first order of business, I'm afraid, will be to end the beginning.

When drones attack, there's no fear, no quarter.
Like Vikings in Valhalla.
There is no mercy, no one will be spared.
As per usual, we are our own worst enemy.
We have created our own destroyers in our haste to artificially evolve.
Ad hominem.


March 15, 2015


The ne(cess)ity to dispose of human waste in a timely and sanitary fashion
Has continued relatively uninterrupted for thousands of years.
But now the critical capacity of the human condition has been approached,
Flirted with and unceremoniously raped like a sedated whore
That has been tranquilized just enough to render her complicit
In themurder of humanity; to with old her cosmic wrath.
There is No Where left to store our filth
Our by-products, our creatinine clearance.
Except our immediate environment;
We must learn to subsist upon the filth of humanity, like worms
In order to survive


We must adjust our expectations of morality and ethic:
Four more years of civil war in Syria, another 1/4 million dead.
All in the name of All.
All in All.
Where with All.
All with that.
Damascus devolution.
In with the old, out with the knew. "Gunfire for President".
All is fare in love and ware.
Democracy manifests as apostasy to the auto/aristo cats.
And, as such, is punishable by devo-pollution.
Retrograde epoxy resin polonium paste suitable for orthodontic reapers.
Storing toxic waste in human receptacles, contraceptacles, tentacles.
With great inflation comes great pol(lution)itic.
Kramden politik, homina homina.
We've become the trash receptacles of the biosphere.


Perhaps we can hide our temporal disrespect for cosmic cohesion.
We might be able to stuff all that shit into a garbage scow
Of epic proportions
And scuttle the entirety of our waste, personal and industrial,
Some where else, where we won't be forced to witness our ferocious rapine
Our indignant indifference to our substratum
That which sustains us and gives us life.
And meaning.
Fuck it, we have become the garbage.
We are the trash.
Wear the trash
Where the trash?
We Are
