Cars of the apocalypse
We R Time: the fourth dim mention.
We R Time: the fourth dim mention.
Homo sapiens are a cosmically immature species, having been borne of the planet yet relying on its degradation to progress forward.
Who else but a child would be so irreverent towards its own progenitor?
We still can't collectively see the necessity to STOP ALL PETROL EMISSIONS NOW.
Illustrates pathological psychology of status quo consciousness and its obvious manipulative conditioning by the petrol conglamerates.
The new cars are so smart they can manage your stock porfolio AND fuck your spouse. You'll never even consider leaving the driver's seat. Sit back and relax, as the automobile organizes your existence. We do not require a vehicle as we ARE the vehicle of time embodied in corporeality.
We are Time.
Without your car you are NOTHING. You are insignificant. You are, in effect, dead.
We've becum reverse junkies, apo addicts, the antithesis of our own genesis, the opposite, the apostle, the demons of scripture lining the pit, the devils of the abyss, Abaddon, Apollyon, Apocalypse : the unveilling of paradox, peripheral abandonment of personality, the END OF TIME.
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