The problem with the de facto authority of the status quo is the fact that all considerations made from this conglamerate are based on a privileged illusion of importance and lack of accountability for ones own finititude and limitations. By residing in an illusory world of privilege which it creates for itself through limitless contingency and abstraction, the status quo succeeds only in securing the temporary continuity of its illusion of privilege and self-importance. Ontologically speaking, the status quo is nothing other than the destroyer of liberty, the demonic prison which we've convinced ourselves is necessary for our survival when in fact it only ensures the opposite, being necessary only for our destruction. The perceptual paradox perpetuated by the capitalist consumerism our culture has been hypnotised by ensures the very end which we are led to believe we are fashioning against. As the end nears, time accelerates and the demon pitch of electromagnetic radiation spikes. I feel no pity for the privileged, only the innocent children whose lives are being forfeited without thier knowledge or consideration. The only matter under perpetual consideration by the status quo is continuation of privileged illusion which they have been so comfortable into deceiving themselves into believing will save them from REALITY, when all this illusion achieves is certain doom. The conspiracy of complacency perpetuated by the status quo effectively condemns the future to the fires of HELL (or, in this case, environmental catastrophe). The status quo is a subterfuge of destruction, concerning itself with nothing other than its own perpetuation. The status quo is an ecological parasite and having criminalized free thought or expression, the consensus has trivialized itself in the ultimate act of abstraction and disregard. Having first assumed separation from the natural environment, the status quo has resorted to attacking the only thing left in its ontological scheme, itself. Privilege succeeds in concealing responsibility so effectively that it dooms our entire culture to a fate best left unexplicicated (sic). The planet itself is preparing to reconstitute according to cosmological necessity.