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We're all too busy empirically analyzing the nature of global warming to focus on the short term amelioration of the catastrophic vortex of intoxication we've committed the future of the planet to. The globalization and cabalization of modern imperialism has destroyed the possibility of manifesting the means to stop or even delay the tumultuous petroleum juggernaut of doom modernism has unleashed on the planet. There are far too many interests involved to pause the precipitous decay. Humanity has enhanced its pathogenicity through industrialization and mechanization of function with regards to our virulence toward the biosphere as a whole. Collectively, we are engaged in a conspiracy of convalescence. Having lost the humility necessary for gnostic recognition of the sacred nature of the planet, we illusory advance into abstract technology and calculated macro-destruction. There lies an eerie irony in this publishing platform's spell check when it offers the synonym of cannibalization as a substitute for globalization.

Singularity we call humanity
Acting as a cosmological black hole
Transforming matter into idea
Ultimately consuming all within proximity
Regardless of time
Nothing can escape our subterfuge


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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on October 10, 2007 12:16 AM.

The previous post in this blog was Smog City.

The next post in this blog is Fucked.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.