For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
For every act there is an omission.
For every vulgarity there is charity.
For every intentioned dismissal there is malignant distemper.
Which ever relative form this retaliatory self-preservation might take is a matter of discourse.
What the human animal needs to engage in is active macroscopic consideration of the planet.
Without which our time remaining further erodes the necessary message of cosmic reconciliation.
For the process itself is not as critical as the meaning of the end.
Natural law knows no physical limitations or imperfections. It is timeless and omnipotent.
It is multi-dimensional and omniscient. It is what it is. It is vast and ineffable.
As such, Gaia is God. The alien, the magistrate, the prostitute, the mother.
It seems obvious that the planet itself now feels the need to retaliate against the human race.
Some might argue that this has been a consistency of nature since time immemorial.
This is not the characteristic of nature of which I speak.
The necessary malevolence against anthropogenic activity assaulted upon the planet is.
There is a subtle difference here. Namely, that between sufficiency and necessity.
We may be intelligent enough to have learned to manipulate the elements.
We are not intelligent enough to realize that this negation of necessity toward natural law is clearly paradoxical and suicidal.
Through the guarantee of neglect and objectification we have lost our souls.
All that remains is the abyss of dread.
The folly of humanity is that only when it hits the bottom will we recognize the gravity of our errors.