Terminal greed and illusion of infinite resource availability is a macroscopic insult to our Mother. We are cognizant of the fact that appearances can be deceiving, yet we have used them to justify not only our actions but also our paradigm of an authoritarian frame of reference from we choose to project ourselves. This course of action was adopted generally because it appears to function profitably from within the immediate microscopic view of industrial empiricism. Scientific minds adhere to an idea or observation that passes the rigorous tests of repeatability and universality. Yet, in assuming objectivity, we must accept at least 50% or more of observational phenomena and interpretive sensual data. In other words, how on earth could we have mistaken phenomenological observation for objective reality? This leap of arrogance and misunderstanding of the ground of Being has led us to the present dilemna of environmental catastrophe. It's always difficult for presumed benevolence to admit the surreptitious malignancy of corporate interest. But, regardless of how we analyze these facts or assumptions ad nauseum, we now have a more pressing task at hand: rapid adoption of alternative engineering and combustion of more sustainable sources of energy. It's being achieved in some municipalities, communities and countries. Iceland, for example, has transformed public transportation, being fueled entirely by Hydrogen which produces only H2O as a combustion product. From a purely physio-chemical perspective, inert or noble gases do not react when partially combusted to form unstable compounds such as CO, CO2, etc. Alas, noble scientific inquiry is always influenced by the corrupt intentionality of industry. Like any other school of philosophy, science has had its run and failed vis a vis the necessary development of sustainable activity. We have confused the instinctual ontological search with our own solipsism, being unable to separate our ego from the phenomenological data of perception as has been argued by the opponents of fundamentalist Copenhagenism. All, it seems, we've succeeded in creating for future generations through the advents of technology and industrialism is a cosmic barge of refuse, a garbage scow hurtling through space. Surely, we must have mistaken finititude with perpetuosity. With our head in the clouds, we have allowed ourselves to expeditiously ignore the filth our activities afford. The IPCC have proven beyond a reasonable doubt that the indiscriminate use of carbon based energy compounds have affected the climate of this planet almost irreversibly. They have all but suggested that the obvious solution to slowing the change in the climate is the discontinuation of all carbon emissions as they have to temper their perspective with the concealed interests of industry in order to retain diplomacy in the face of impending tragedy. The National Snow and Ice Data Center in Colorado/U.S. have been monitoring the continental ice shelves of North America for approximately 30 years through satellite imagery and are now reporting that ice, permafrost, glacier and berg formations are melting at an observable rate of nearly 3 times the expected/projected/predicted forecasts. What is poignantly surprising to me is that the general population are still acting surprised to realize the pending apocalypse is of our own construction and that it looms on our doorstep, smoldering. The price of gasoline at the pumps is driving people into panic mode when it's really the activity of operating a petroleum powered motor vehicle itself which should be concerning them as the average global mean temperature steadily rises in tandem with the demand for refined petrol, despite the exorbitant cost or known effect on the atmosphere of the planet. So, ultimately, we ourselves are to blame, having sequestered ourselves far enough into the comfortable confines of capitalism to be able to facilitate and ignore the effect of our lifestyle. Ignorance is not a legally defensible position when it comes to the charge of criminal negligence causing death. Of course, unable to take the stand or even be defined with authority, the status quo reels onward like a drunken giant of greed and permissible ignorance. Unable to stop the status quo, short of genocide, industry has learned to create need through perceived necessity and simply control the ogre of ordinary optimism through manufactured meaning. The meaning takes the form of fulfillment of perceived need and the engineered necessity of amenities and luxuries. In the real world an automobile is not a necessity, but in the petrocratic dynasty we live in it has taken on such meaning. The majority of people in the industrialized world deem the car as such a necessity in day to day life. Liberty is a form of slavery. The unwritten slogan of corporate political greed. The power elite know of the power and opportunity afforded through the perceptual paradox of presumption the status quo has demanded of its members. Rather, perceived liberty is usually actual slavery. Tobacco is the most salient example. It's marketed and even perceived by its users to be a lifestyle decision of choice to use tobacco, when in reality it is simply corporate greed creating chemical bondage and salutory slavery. I'd be want to extend this analogy to our cultural addiction to petroleum products if I didn't. The oil companies deceiving people into presuming necessity and prolonging their dependency of oil while they search for alternative solutions to our energy thirst is akin to the tobacco companies selling the consumer light cigarettes. They'll kill ya just as quick, but offer the illusion of a less harmful alternative. The only way to ensure and promote sustainability is to stop using the product. As with petrol, we must cease and desist immediately if our children ever are to have the hope of a sustainable future. Stop all carbon emissions now, save CO2 from expiration. Thinking of CO2 analogies, the amount of CO2 created by operating a petrol powered automobile throughout the average day of the average industrialized consumer exceeds that of an individual respiring over the course of an entire lifetime on this planet. So, if the average person drives everyday, on average, for 30 or 40 years of their life, this one individual would inject as mush CO2 into the atmosphere as nearly 13000 people merely breathing throughout the course of their lives. If you multiply the current population of the planet by 13000, it quickly becomes clear that we are, collectively, attempting to live far beyond our means or our Mother's capacity. The first step on the path to recovery is admission of condition. Collectively, we still have not achieved this landmark, far from it. This is the source of my pessimism. But, I do believe, the only way to realize the good is to project the good. So's this testimony is my attempt at encouraging the necessary good: STOP BURNING PETROL NOW. Our children and our sustaining Mother are far more important than ourselves.
We have alienated ourselves from the One, from the planet, from our children, from our Mother. Through the process of alienation we have forfeited our rights concerning our own destiny. Our arrogance and hubris have cost us dearly in the sense that we have forfeited the future for the present. Technology has turned out to be nothing more than a playground for corporate sabotage. Progress has revealed itself to be pathological through its related environmental degradation. Speaking purely from a cosmological point of view, I can only hope that the viral human genome does not succeed in transmitting itself to other planets. Of course, judging from the manner in which current events are unfolding (i.e. global warming and increased natural disaster), I'm certain that I don't have to lose any sleep over this consideration.
I mourn for our Mother and for our children whom we've abandoned in the arena of corporate capital gain and solipsism. The funeral fugue is being wrote as I speak for a planet that we've misconstrued, misperceived and mistreated for too long.