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February 2011 Archives

February 1, 2011

The price of progress

Power to the people has been eroded for millenia.

It's time to return what we once misappropriated and embrace democracy for what it is.

Knot what corporate daemons suppose it shall have been.

Let parliament vote on supplying the underprivileged with affordable meds.

Fuck Harper, not the poor.

Copy and paste the following url, do not waste.


The monitor lizards are watching.

And wading.

In our ancestors blood.

Socio-economic bondage deserves emancipation.

Lord knows, if we don't stand up, we'll be stood upon.


About February 2011

This page contains all entries posted to Apocalypse Porn in February 2011. They are listed from oldest to newest.

October 2010 is the previous archive.

March 2011 is the next archive.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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