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April 2013 Archives

April 15, 2013

Freedom of Assembly


Those responsible for murder and mayhem.
Chaos and disbelief.
Those who would attack our fundamental freedoms.
Fear and uncertainty.
Those who would erode our security and sanity.
Destruction and carnage.
Those thugs unavailable for culpability.
Invisible and anonymous -- corporatized evil.
Sole purpose of which to instill fear.
And loathing of the most primeval order.
The "put expletive here" custodial agents responsible
For grooming the terrestrials have no other objective
Than terror.
Keep 'em fleeing for their lives and all will pass.
No questions, no answers, no facts nor fiction.
Words become meaningless when faced with certain death.
To kill a citizen, a moral being, is simply collateral.
Damage nonetheless.
To negate the spirit through violence for the gain of government.
Is fallacious and manipulative.
Watching Obama talk of relentlessly pusuing the identies.
Of those repsonsible for the massacre in Boston.
I couldn't help thinking of how doomed that process would be.
Patsied on some ignorant fall-guy or idea of process.
No truth will come from the investigation because the fear
Mongers who perpetrated this event are in command
Of the government and the media and the
Process which is doomed to fail.
Those responsible for the indignancy are those very
Spirits who brought democracy to the table in the first place.
Those who fought for freedom and individual rights,
These who bought for freedom and complicity.
Those who murder for profit and control.
Those who become as corrupt as the very premise which
Inspired their impetus. their hatred of government.
And organization of purpose and intent.
And assembly.
To congregate is to participate en masse in common purpose.
To celebrate and rejoice and reinforce communal good.
To target such a gathering is weak and putrid.
Pathologically demonological.
Pure fuckin' evil.
With no conscience our conscious purpose.
But to terrify the masses, kill the innocent and all will be lost.
Hollow intent -- to destroy security and sanity.
To spread abject fear through random violence.
The M.O. of all lizard-like fuckin; slaves who surf.
Keep those in a position of charity in deathly fear.
Lots of ruck ot thje fuckiij esophageal twist.
The Boston Marathon Massacre will not be decisively solved.
As those who were responsible want you to cower in fear.
Give all yout fuckin' money to the Illuminati
And such affiliated organizations who hold
Human respect and decency as criminal
Undesirable and derisive.
Divide and conquer through fear,
Fear of assembly and familarity
Security, truth and reason.
Fear of freedom and liberty.
Agorophobia (sic).
Just put me in a box marked pine.
I can'tstand going out n more.
I gotts ta run,
Run from the start.
Run from the government conspiracy
That is so covert, even its operators are unaware (lol)
Run from death
Who has become a straw man, a scape goat as such
Terror is a function, fear is the product.
Those responsible are nameless and undecipherable.
Clouded in the smoke from the ashes of millions
The grinning skull becons.
The war machine, law and order, decency and destruction.
The paradox of practical democracy has become so apparent
In its operation that it exposes its tail in trying to conceal it.
Let an elite few who represent the interests of many
Theoretically through an open process of voting
Dictate what laws and dictums are enacted.
This process is doomed to fail as the very few enacting
The laws are fuckin' lizard-fuckin' satanists
Who will stop at nothing to destroy all and every
Each and many.
Sunder and vary.
They will serve tp suck thelife out of this planet and this species.
Random explosions, fear, mayhem.
It's par for the course as far as American politics and socialism are concerned.
Fuck the free, fuck the fun, fukc the assembly.
Fear the fuck out of fun,
Terrify the masses in congregation.
Destory democracy and individual freedoms once again.
In the name of Baelzebub, in the name of Baal.
In the name of Mammon.
In the name of the CIA.



About April 2013

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